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Registrar Office

Who We Are

The Registrar's Office, under the jurisdiction of the Vice President for Enrollment Management, maintains academic records for all students and is responsible for the registration of students into classes after they have been admitted to the college.

You must be registered to attend classes. No student is considered registered until all appropriate forms are filed with the Registrar's Office and tuition and fees are paid. Registration instructions are emailed to continuing students prior to each registration period. If you do not receive these instructions before the start of the registration period, please contact us immediately. All students must have some form of photo identification the day they register for the first time at Kingsborough.

What We Do

The Office of the Registrar is committed to guiding each student through the steps of Admission, Registration, Graduation, and even post-graduate record keeping.

The Registrar's Office is responsible for:

To change your academic plan (major) log-on to Inside KCC. Once logged in, click on the Change Of Status Application For Plan (Major) link. 

The following majors have specific admission requirements, and students should consult with an academic advisor or the respective academic department for more information: Emergency Medical Services-Paramedic, Nursing, Physical Therapist Assistant, Polysomnographic Technology, and Surgical Technology.

To use student-self service to check your enrollment status on the National Student Clearinghouse, log-on to Inside KCC. Once logged in, click on the National Student Clearinghouse icon.

 To ask the Registrar's Office a specific question, please send it to

For college admissions information, contact the Admissions Information Center - 



Contact Information

  • Monday - Thursday (In Person) 9:00 am - 4:00 pm
    Friday - 10:00 am - 4 pm (Virtual Office Only)

    Registrar's Virtual Office

    Meeting ID: 995 8021 1909 | Password: 859551